Stanford investigates staff who allegedly knew about genome-edited babies
Stanford University in California is reviewing staff interactions with Dr He Jiankui, as it emerges that he was in contact with academics at multiple institutions...
by Jen Willows
Stanford University in California is reviewing staff interactions with Dr He Jiankui, as it emerges that he was in contact with academics at multiple institutions...
Having smoked at least two joints of marijuana at some point in their lives was associated with higher sperm counts in men, found a new study...
by Hugo Wolfe
South Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group has decided to increase IVF funding for eligible couples to receive two cycles of treatment rather than none...
by James Close
The first in vivo genome editing therapy has been successful in editing patients' DNA, but has not shown a clinical benefit...
Women who have fertility treatments have a slightly higher risk of severe complications during pregnancy and delivery than those not undergoing treatment...
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FILM: Whose Genome Is It Anyway? Big Data and Your DNA
by BioNews
This film documents the Progress Educational Trust/Genomics England event 'Whose Genome Is It Anyway? Big Data and Your DNA', which formed part of the Genomics Conversation...
Ireland's proposed surrogacy laws fail to acknowledge international arrangements
by Dr Brian Tobin
A recent survey involving 90 countries reveals the overwhelming popularity of international surrogacy arrangements among many Irish couples...