The HFEA Code of Practice is being updated — here's how to get involved
An updated edition of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) Code of Practice is currently open for consultation, until Friday 1 June...
Laura Riley is a Trustee at the charity that publishes BioNews, the Progress Educational Trust (PET), and Leader of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics project Mitochondrial Donation: Ethical Issues. She was formerly Director of PET (a post now held by Sarah Norcross), Senior Press and Public Affairs Officer at the King's Fund, and Press and Public Policy Manager at the British Pregnancy Advisory Service. Before working in health policy, she researched TV documentaries for the BBC's Science and Religion and Ethics departments and she studied Medical Ethics and Law at King's College London. She has contributed a chapter to Human Fertilisation and Embryology: Reproducing Regulation (buy this book from Amazon UK), and she is co-author of a chapter in Regulating Autonomy: Sex, Reproduction and Family (buy this book from Amazon UK).
by Laura Riley
An updated edition of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) Code of Practice is currently open for consultation, until Friday 1 June...
by Laura Riley
The UK's Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has released a Working Party report, Termination of Pregnancy for Fetal Abnormality. The report found that it was not 'realistic' to seek to produce a definitive list of conditions that constitute 'serious handicap' for clinicians to use in interpreting the legal grounds for abortion under the 1967 Abortion Act...
by Laura Riley
BioNews will be six years old next month. It started out in 1999, as an experimental weekly email sent to a handful of interested people. Now, BioNews provides news and comment in human genetics and assisted reproduction to thousands of readers around the world, both via the weekly email, and...
by Laura Riley
Changes are afoot behind the scenes at Progress Educational Trust (PET), the UK charity that writes and publishes BioNews. Professor Marcus Pembrey has recently stepped down as Chair of PET after twelve years of dedicated and productive voluntary service. We're pleased to announce that the PET Chair is now David...
by Laura Riley
At last week's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) press launch of a public consultation on issues in sperm, egg and embryo donation, HFEA Chair Suzi Leather said it was not the job of the regulator to try to increase the numbers of UK gamete donors, in the light of...
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