Machine learning tool effective in early disease risk identification
A machine learning tool has inferred risk factors associated with over one thousand diseases, offering the possibility for improving early disease detection and drug discovery...
A machine learning tool has inferred risk factors associated with over one thousand diseases, offering the possibility for improving early disease detection and drug discovery...
A dystopian or utopian future? It's 2042, and Arin Korvix is attending a job interview – which includes the use of a cutting-edge AI system to predict his future health status with startling accuracy...
This piece by Philippa Kemp, exploring how artificial wombs could change the universal experience of birth, won the first prize in the inaugural Marcus Pembrey BioNews Writing Competition...
Scientists are calling on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority to tighten restrictions on exporting sperm, to limit the number of families who can be created abroad...
It is crucial to focus not just on scientific concerns about PGT-P, but also on broader potential consequences for those who could be impacted by the technology, explains Maria Siermann...
Professor of Bioethics at the University of Manchester, Søren Holm, discusses the oversight system proposed in the SCBEM Code of Practice...
Lecturer in ethics of technology at the University of Edinburgh, Dr Cristina Richie, discuses the ethical issues involved in medical reproduction as it relates to the environment...
Bringing you PET events as a podcast. In the 21st episode of its podcast PET looks at the use of artworks to improve understanding and advance knowledge of the causes of infertility, with speakers including junior and senior researchers, a glass artist and a laboratory manager...
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics gathered scientists, policymakers, regulators and ethicists for an afternoon of talks and discussion on the ethical implications of engineering biology...
by Professor Roger Sturmey and 1 others
PET and Cambridge Reproduction have jointly published a new Code of Practice for the Generation and Use of Human Stem Cell-Based Embryo Models. Members of the Working Group that drafted the Code reflect on its significance...
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