Polygenic contribution to heart disease risk highlighted
Eight percent of UK adults have the same risk of heart disease due to cumulative polygenic changes as carriers of a single rare mutation, according to a study...
Increased probability - compared to the general population - of developing a disease, due to the presence of one or more gene mutations.
Eight percent of UK adults have the same risk of heart disease due to cumulative polygenic changes as carriers of a single rare mutation, according to a study...
Professor Imogen Goold's lecture about the ethical issues surrounding the use of genome editing in humans gets Ruth Retassie thinking about how our society treats disability...
Those with a genetic predisposition to ovarian cancer may be able to reduce their risk with daily aspirin use, according to a new study...
A gene variant which increases risk of developing Alzheimer's disease may do so by decreasing production of the substance which insulates nerve cells...
Stringent NHS genetic testing guidelines may mean that nearly 50 percent of those at risk of cancer are going unchecked, recent evidence suggests...
The Institute of Genetics and Cancer at the University of Edinburgh virtually hosted their seventh genetic eye disease conference in June 2021, connecting geneticists, clinicians and researchers from the Medical Reseach Council Human Genetics Unit...
Men carrying genetic risk factors for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are more likely to develop diabetes, obesity and male-pattern baldness...
I:DNA is an artistic installation created from research data collated by Dr Felicity Boardman from the University of Warwick in collaboration with Santé Theatre and Media Productions...
Getting a good night's sleep can reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke, even in people who have a higher genetic predisposition for these diseases, according to a new study...
A one-off genetic test could identify people with a genetic predisposition to coronary heart disease, according to a new study...
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