Endometriosis-associated gene identified as a potential drug target
A gene associated with inflammation could serve as a future drug target for endometriosis...
A gene associated with inflammation could serve as a future drug target for endometriosis...
Genomics England has appointed a new chief scientific officer...
by Jen Willows
Offering healthy people genetic screening could provide clinically important information in over 15 percent of cases...
Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 is involved in vital cyclic ovarian functions and thus COVID-19 may impact female reproductive health...
Screening for a molecule that inhibits embryo implantation, and timing embryo transfer around this, could improve IVF success rates...
by Hannah Flynn
Genetic testing could prove useful for determining a diagnosis and prognosis for people with epilepsy, attendees at the European Society of Human Genetics conference heard...
What does it mean to be related to someone? Written and performed by Alice Underwood, Don't Ask Don't Get, Baby is a heart-warming autobiographical story about coming to terms with being a donor-conceived person...
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Medical and social inequalities behind racial disparities in fertility outcomes
by Uma Gordon and 1 others
A recent Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority report has indicated that people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds undergoing fertility treatment are less likely to have a baby, with black patients having the lowest chances of successful treatment…