MRI used to show brain methylation
A new magnetic resonance imaging technique has allowed scientists to observe epigenetic changes in the brain.
A new magnetic resonance imaging technique has allowed scientists to observe epigenetic changes in the brain.
by Farah Alam
Fetal growth restriction in pigs is linked to dysregulation of a gene, known as beta-Klotho.
Two prominent Chinese bioethicists have recommend the jailed scientist, Dr He Jiankui, be made financially, morally and legally responsible for the health and wellbeing of the children he genome-edited...
Human cells behaving like those at a crucial embryological milestone have been identified, enabling insights into early development...
The Broad Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts, has been awarded the US intellectual property rights for the use of CRISPR/Cas9 by a Patent and Trial Appeal Board...
The first team to use CRISPR to edit a disease-causing gene in humans has found the effects are persistent up to a year later...
The podcast series 'the G word', which is produced by Genomics England, has a mission statement to 'bring the benefits of genomic medicine to everyone'...
Stay up-to-date on all the latest developments in the fields of human fertility and genomics. And be the first to hear about upcoming events and other announcements.
Lawfully running a red light: a response from the HFEA
by Peter Thompson
In last week's BioNews, Julian Hitchcock argued that a recent statement from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority on embryo selection needed clarification. I am happy to do that today...
Editing the Human Genome: Where Are We Now? What Happens Next?
by Dr Alexander Ware
The Progress Educational Trust recently arranged a lineup of key figures at the vanguard of different aspects of genome editing, who, during the event, canvassed their opinions and current research...
Ukrainian Surrogates: a surprising silence
by Dr Zaina Mahmoud and 1 others
For several years, Ukraine has been the second most popular destination (behind California) for cross-border commercial surrogacy for married heterosexual couples seeking surrogacy for medical reasons...