Charity calls for confidential breast cancer information to be shared
A professor conducting research on behalf of Genesis Appeal, the UK's only charity dedicated to the prevention of breast cancer, has called for doctors to be allowed to inform patients that they are carriers of mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, thus making them aware of...
Elective single embryo transfer (eSET) policy implementation to all UK IVF centres from 2009: Reality or Myth?
by Shantal Rajah
Elective single embryo transfer (eSET) policy implementation has raised many issues among patients, IVF experts and fund holders. The main concern in relation to this policy is that we do not know how much, and by what percentage, it will reduce the pregnancy rate in our patients. The policy says...
The debate about single embryo transfer isn't NICE
by Sandy Starr
This month sees the coming into force of new regulations by the UK's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), which seek to ensure that elective single embryo transfer (eSET) for women under 40 becomes standard practice in IVF treatment in the UK. Under these regulations, public and private fertility clinics...
How good a solution is single embryo transfer (SET) for fertility patients?
by Norbert Gleicher
On the European side of the Atlantic single embryo transfer (SET) is increasingly becoming standard practice. As a consequence of legislation, as in Belgium, of professional dogma, as in most Scandinavian countries, or the product of the regulatory prowess of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), as in the...