Men with cancer missing out on sperm storage
New research has revealed many men receiving treatment for cancer are not offered the chance to bank their sperm. Chemotherapy drugs may cause fertility problems but men may choose to store their sperm prior to treatment for future use...
Media (mis)conceptions: Assisted conception in the spotlight
by Professor Amel Alghrani and 3 others
'Occasionally science makes procedures possible that are so radical that those at the interface between science and society are called on to define moral standards for society'...
Davina and Goliath: the personal cost of seeking justice
by Professor Eric Blyth
As reported in BioNews on 25 October 2010 (1), Olivia Pratten, a 28-year old Toronto journalist who was conceived as a result of anonymous donor conception provided by a Vancouver physician, Dr Gerald Korn, is challenging the protection of donor anonymity in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. The Court agreed to hear the case despite claims made in September by lawyers acting for the Government of British Columbia that the physician's records have been destroyed, and despite an injunction...