Gene defect 'switched off' in human tissue
Scientists have for the first time been able to switch on and off the effects of a genetic disease, myotonic dystrophy, in human muscle tissue...
Scientists have for the first time been able to switch on and off the effects of a genetic disease, myotonic dystrophy, in human muscle tissue...
Gene mutations that can cause major birth defects may also cause more subtle disruptions in the brain and contribute to psychiatric disorders, according to a study published in PLOS ONE...
The UK Government is to support the introduction of mitochondrial replacement therapy. The IVF-based procedure could allow women with mitochondrial disease the opportunity to have healthy children, by replacing their own, faulty, mitochondria with healthy mitochondria from a donor....
Five genetic regions not previously associated with migraine have been linked to the condition, according to an international group of researchers...
by Rhys Baker
A Japanese Health Ministry panel has approved the first use of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) in human trials...
Asthmatics carrying several genetic variations associated with asthma are more likely to have a severe, longer lasting disease, research shows...
This surrogacy study-day was a chance to (re)discover hot topics in surrogacy and engage in some collective re-imagining of the ethical and legal problems it poses...
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The sun still hasn't set on gene patents
by Dr Michael Hopkins and 1 others
Last week saw the conclusion of the long-running gene patent lawsuit known as AMP v. Myriad Genetics. At stake was the patentability of isolated DNA sequences...
Legal update: Informed consent - are you informed?
by Marisa Allman
It is a licence condition for all UK fertility clinics that treatment using embryos or donated gametes shall not be provided unless the woman being treated, and any man or woman being treated with her, have been given a suitable opportunity to receive proper counselling and have been provided with relevant information...