Chicago: Woman awarded 'custody' of frozen embryos despite ex-boyfriend's objections
An Illinois county court has granted a woman control over embryos created with her ex-boyfriend's sperm, despite his objection to their use....
An Illinois county court has granted a woman control over embryos created with her ex-boyfriend's sperm, despite his objection to their use....
Stem cells created from a monkey's own skin cells can be transplanted back into the animal without a high risk of tumour formation, researchers have reported...
by Alice Plein
The placenta, which was long believed to be a sterile environment, is home to a community of microbes similar to those found in the mouth, researchers have discovered...
by Nina Chohan
Cholesterol levels may affect how long it takes to conceive, reports a study that followed couples for one year...
by Siobhan Chan
Genes responsible for night eating syndrome, where eating patterns are out of sync with sleeping schedules, have been found in a study on mice...
by Ari Haque
The controversy posed by the question of how much genetics can influence intelligence and, in turn, the dilemma posed by what this should mean for educational policy are presented in a balanced, reasoned manner here...
Stay up-to-date on all the latest developments in the fields of human fertility and genomics. And be the first to hear about upcoming events and other announcements.
Breast cancer: breaking the chain
by Dr Ann Robinson
As a GP in North London, I see the ravaging effects of breast cancer in young women. Each patient sticks in my mind as their illness traumatises the whole family...
Do Genes Matter? Families and Donor Conception
by Cait McDonagh
Since 1991, more than 35,000 children have been born in the UK as a result of donor conception, and our knowledge of genetics has increased substantially during that time. The event 'Do Genes Matter? Families and Donor Conception' set out to ask whether our understanding of family has changed too...