Environmental ethics and medical reproduction
Lecturer in ethics of technology at the University of Edinburgh, Dr Cristina Richie, discuses the ethical issues involved in medical reproduction as it relates to the environment...
Lecturer in ethics of technology at the University of Edinburgh, Dr Cristina Richie, discuses the ethical issues involved in medical reproduction as it relates to the environment...
Dr Stephen Minger – a pioneering stem cell biologist, who was awarded one of the first UK licences to generate human embryonic stem cell lines – died on 24 July 2024 at the age of 68...
Bringing you PET events as a podcast. In the 21st episode of its podcast PET looks at the use of artworks to improve understanding and advance knowledge of the causes of infertility, with speakers including junior and senior researchers, a glass artist and a laboratory manager...
by Sarah Jones
Recent research presented at conference highlighted the increased risk of various complications surrogates face, when compared to other pregnant women. This finding flagged the need for further, UK-specific research to improve outcomes for women here, says Sarah Jones CEO of SurrogacyUK…
by Stephen Page
Lawyer Stephen Page explores the ACT's new law introducing mandatory licensing for IVF clinics and allowing all donor-conceived people to know their donor's identity...
A fertility policy tracker, code of practice, media work and so much more – discover what the charity PET does in addition to publishing BioNews and producing events…
by Stephen Page
Queensland's proposed Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill could bring changes to donor anonymity, licensing of fertility clinics, posthumous conception and more in the state, writes lawyer Stephen Page...
by Sarah Norcross and 1 others
PET marks the second anniversary of the Women's Health Strategy by launching the PET Fertility Policy Tracker – a simple to use and free to access tracker of ICBs' fertility policies in England...
Dr Roger Gosden comments from the USA on the new Code of Practice for the Generation and Use of Human Stem-Cell-Based Embryo Models...
by Professor Roger Sturmey and 1 others
PET and Cambridge Reproduction have jointly published a new Code of Practice for the Generation and Use of Human Stem Cell-Based Embryo Models. Members of the Working Group that drafted the Code reflect on its significance...
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