Alterations to 3D structure of sperm genome can impact fertility
Changes to the three-dimensional (3D) structure of sperm chromosomes during sperm development can affect fertility in mice, it has been revealed...
The process by which two DNA molecules exchange genetic information. In meiosis, exchange can take place between maternal and paternal chromosomes leading to a novel combination of genetic material in the egg or sperm.
Changes to the three-dimensional (3D) structure of sperm chromosomes during sperm development can affect fertility in mice, it has been revealed...
Meiosis, when cells divide to produce eggs, goes wrong much more than previously thought...
A group of scientists have challenged the landmark study which reported the first successful editing of human embryos for a genetic disease...
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is seeking views on the reproductive uses of genome editing in humans. Regular readers of BioNews will know that genome editing (including with the CRISPR-Cas9 technique) offers a way of making precisely targeted modifica
Geneticists claim to have developed a way of finding where in the world a person's DNA originated...
The human Y chromosome may have some use, after all. Experts previously thought that the chromosome containing 'male' genes was shrinking to the point of extinction...
Bread and beer are not usually things that one would associate with diseases like cancer, dementia or Huntington's disease. This view was proved wrong by geneticists who gathered at the University of Leicester on 9 October 2012 for a series of lectures aimed at the non-scientist. It seems yeast can be inspiration for genetics research too....
by James Brooks
The biological basis of a rare congenital disorder has been clarified, thanks to stem cell technology. The researchers say their work shows how advances in stem cell science can provide insights into genetic conditions...
by Professor Robin Lovell-Badge
Earlier this year, a paper claimed to have found cells, called ovarian stem cells, in the adult ovaries of both mice and humans. These cells could apparently be grown in large numbers in the lab and could retain the ability to give rise to eggs. A new study finds no evidence for the existence of germline progenitors able to produce eggs in postnatal ovaries. Is a lack of evidence sufficient to win the argument?...
Results of the first study to sequence the genomes of individual sperm cells obtained from one person have revealed significant genetic differences between them, confirming the belief that each sperm is unique. It is hoped the technique could be applied in fertility treatments to identify genetic mutations that may occur in the recombination process...
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