Canada's Supreme Court upholds genetic non-discrimination law
The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled to uphold a federal law forbidding third parties from demanding people's genetic information...
The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled to uphold a federal law forbidding third parties from demanding people's genetic information...
A small fragment of genetic code inherited from Neanderthals may increase the risk of severe illness from COVID-19...
by Jen Willows
US scientists have developed a method of making precise edits to mitochondrial DNA within living cells...
Low ovarian reserve may be a useful marker of later health issues, research presented at the virtual 2020 meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) suggests...
Endometrial scratch, an IVF add-on treatment, has no effect on live birth rate for women undergoing a first IVF or ICSI cycle, study shows...
Couples undergoing fertility treatment markedly overestimate their chance of IVF success, men to a greater extent than women, according to new research...
Delays and uncertainties in IVF treatment due to COVID-19 measures are a source of anxiety and depression for patients, new evidence suggests...
by Liam Davis
In this updated second edition of The Law of Assisted Reproduction, author Seamus Burns, Senior Lecturer in Law at Sheffield Hallam University, aimed to highlight the major features of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology (HFE) Act 2008 just over a decade since its inception, and eight years since the first edition of his book was published...
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Rare reality of COVID-19
by Nick Meade
COVID-19 is not (currently) a rare condition, but has much in common with those that are: there are as yet no bespoke treatments; it is highly variable, and there is much about it that we don't know...