Rapid genetic test to identify babies at risk of antibiotic-induced hearing loss
The world's first bedside genetic test that could prevent babies from losing their hearing has shown to be successful according to the NHS...
The world's first bedside genetic test that could prevent babies from losing their hearing has shown to be successful according to the NHS...
A new international study has found 42 genes associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease that had not been previously known...
Nearly two decades after the initial release of the human genome sequence, scientists have published the first gap-less, complete sequence...
A Massachusetts woman decided to terminate her pregnancy conceived via IVF last year after discovering the embryo transferred was not one genetically related to her...
by Farah Alam
Waiting times for NHS gynaecology appointments are causing women to lose out on the opportunity to access IVF, leading to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority to voice concerns.
by Abbie Harper
Functional sperm have been developed in vitro from rat stem cells and used to fertilise eggs and produce healthy offspring for the first time...
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists hosted a free webinar on Genomics in Perinatal Medicine, which was a helpful walk-through of technical and practical aspects of whole exome sequencing in antenatal care, alongside ethical issues and parental perspectives…
Such was the excitement and anticipation around the pioneering procedure of IVF and the work of embryologist Professor Sir Robert Edwards, gynaecologist Patrick Steptoe and embryologist and nurse Jean Purdy, that Louise Brown's birth was treated as a sensational scientific advance in 1978…
Stay up-to-date on all the latest developments in the fields of human fertility and genomics. And be the first to hear about upcoming events and other announcements.
Why IVF does not affect ovarian reserves
by Professor Adam Balen and 1 others
Recently the 'reality' television star Kourtney Kardashian claimed that the IVF treatment she received had 'put her into the menopause' in the trailer for a new series of 'Meet the Kardashians'...
Endometriosis-related infertility and fertility preservation
by Dr Zaina Mahmoud
Endometriosis is seen as a 'modern mystery' in gynaecology, with its causes not yet fully understood. Prevalent in up to ten percent of individuals of reproductive age, it is one of the most common gynaecological pathologies...
FILM: Whole Genome Sequencing at Birth – What Research Can, and Should, Be Done with a Baby's Genome?
by BioNews
This film documents a Progress Educational Trust event about whether and how researchers should be able to use genomic data from newborn babies...