Scottish Conservatives promise to end IVF 'postcode lottery'
The Scottish Conservatives have revealed that one of their main priorities is improving access to fertility treatment on Scotland's NHS. The party plans to set up a five million fund to help patients seeking treatment should they be elected into power...
Call for views on emerging biotechnologies
by Professor Michael Moran
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics has launched a consultation on the ethical issues raised by emerging biotechnologies. Following discussions about the ethical issues raised by synthetic biology, nanotechnology, stem cell research, genomics and other fields besides, the Council realised that these issues could be profitably examined together...
Is preconception genetic testing and screening eugenic?
by Dr Calum MacKellar
Genetic testing and screening of prospective parents before conception to examine the inheritance of a genetic condition is a new area for discussion. The Human Genetics Commission's (HGC) report 'Increasing options, informing choice: A report on preconception genetic testing and screening', published last week, is thus timely and raises several serious ethical issues...