Errors and variations found in the genomes of individual human cells
Mutations in the human genome occur more often than previously expected, but are not deemed harmful, according to a new study...
Mutations in the human genome occur more often than previously expected, but are not deemed harmful, according to a new study...
by Dr Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin and 1 others
Dr Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin and Dr Alexis Heng Boon Chin give an ethical analysis of germline genome editing to prevent genetic diseases based on Islamic legal maxims (Qawaid Fiqhiyyah)...
A Massachusetts woman decided to terminate her pregnancy conceived via IVF last year after discovering the embryo transferred was not one genetically related to her...
The Progress Educational Trust recently arranged a lineup of key figures at the vanguard of different aspects of genome editing, who, during the event, canvassed their opinions and current research...
The Centre for Bioethics and Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts, presented a fascinating talk on the opportunities for great medical advancements, and grave harm, presented to researchers by CRISPR/Cas9 and other apporaches to genome editing...
A recent large randomised trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine is receiving significant attention with clinicians who are critical of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) claiming it provides evidence that PGT-A does not improve IVF outcomes and should not be used outside of research settings…
Many IVF embryos discarded due to chromosomal abnormalities could lead to viable pregnancies and healthy babies, a new non-selection clinical trial has suggested...
What does it take to make a family when natural conception is difficult or even impossible?..
A personal memoir and tribute to Professor Joy Delhanty. Mentor, scientist, friend...
A recent study has found that as many as one in 15 men carry mutations in their sperm that could impact the health of their children...
Stay up-to-date on all the latest developments in the fields of human fertility and genomics. And be the first to hear about upcoming events and other announcements.