CRISPR genome editing can be controlled with ultrasound
A novel way to control CRISPR genome editing using focused ultrasound has been discovered...
The structure within a eukaryotic cell that contains the vast majority of its genetic information.
A novel way to control CRISPR genome editing using focused ultrasound has been discovered...
Circular DNA existing outside chromosomes can drive cancer growth and is a potential drug target, according to three papers published this week in Nature...
The transposon LINE1 is an essential regulator in early human development, researchers found...
A map of DNA alterations in two regions of the developing human brain has been created...
Genome editing using small protein structures has the potential to be more efficient, with increased specificity, than current methods – such as CRISPR/Cas genome editing...
Light used to bind distant sections of DNA together, shows that chromosomes behave like an elastic material and also like a fluid...
Insertions of mitochondria DNA are prevalent in our nuclear genome and could be linked to reduced lifespan...
Bending and stretching stem cells can tell them what cell type to become, according to Canadian researchers...
Mutations in the human genome occur more often than previously expected, but are not deemed harmful, according to a new study...
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