Diet affects sperm epigenetics, in turn affecting child health
A father's diet before conception influences the likelihood of their child developing metabolic diseases, including diabetes, due to changes in sperm RNA...
A father's diet before conception influences the likelihood of their child developing metabolic diseases, including diabetes, due to changes in sperm RNA...
Researchers have developed the first-ever spatial map of all the different cell types that make up the human ovary...
Dr Dan Jacobson finds this 'high-minded, critically-polarising, French, visually-stunning-yet-powerfully-moody exploration of human existence' bold, fascinating and more than occasionally unintelligible...
A genome editing technique that allows researchers to test thousands of different mutations that might affect how cancer cells behave has been developed...
Stem cells collected from amniotic fluid during pregnancy can be grown into organoids to study organ development and improve prenatal diagnosis of medical conditions...
A long non-coding RNA that plays a role in the inactivation of one of the X chromosomes in females, could be behind why autoimmune diseases disproportionately affect women...
by Yan Lau
RNA-based vaccines for COVID-19 can be misread by the body, producing harmless off-target proteins, according to new research...
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