Genetic role in Vitamin E metabolism
Two commonly occurring genetic variants in the human CYP4F2 gene have been found to affect metabolism of vitamin E. Vitamin E is a generic term for a group of fat-soluble compounds and consists of eight chemical forms...
Personal genetic profiling: what's the harm?
by Professor Christopher Hood
Direct-to-consumer personal genetic profiling services marketed as a way to predict people's future health risks may claim to be leading a new era of 'personalised healthcare', but the Nuffield Council on Bioethics believe these claims should be treated with caution...
Paying egg donors: a child at any price?
by Sarah Pritchard
Should we pay women to become egg donors to tackle the 'mismatch' between supply and demand? This question was debated last week in an event organised by the Progress Educational Trust in partnership with the Royal Society of Medicine, supported by the National Gamete Donation Trust and the British Fertility Society (BFS)...