Harmful variants of breast cancer gene identified
Over 3000 genetic variants could disrupt normal function of the RAD51C breast and ovarian cancer gene...
Alternate forms of a gene or DNA sequence (genetic variant) at a particular chromosome location.
For example, different alleles of the ABO gene on human chromosome 9 determine ABO blood type.
Over 3000 genetic variants could disrupt normal function of the RAD51C breast and ovarian cancer gene...
Menopause occurs an average of nine years earlier in women with two copies of a variant of the CCDC201 gene...
A novel genetic variant reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease by up to 70 percent in people who are predisposed...
by Jake Knox
An area in the human and mouse genome has been found to contain DNA that controls genes involved in anxiety...
by Emma Green
Approximately one in five people carry a protective gene variant that lowers the risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease by ten percent...
A novel mutation is present in 39 percent of Parkinson's disease patients of African heritage, but is virtually absent in those of European descent, a global genome wide association study has found...
Having one or two APOE-ε4 alleles, a genetic variant associated with increased risk of Alzheimer's and cardiovascular disease, has been linked to a larger number of offspring in women in Bolivia...
Key gene variants linked to running success have been identified in a small study on previously untrained participants...
A specific gene allele may contribute to the higher severity of stroke seen among black populations, and also the reason they are less responsive to commonly used stroke medications...
Two potential new treatments for Alzheimer's disease using the CRISPR genome editing approach have been reported at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands...
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