Compensation for IVF failure due to unremoved coil
A woman who had eight failed rounds of IVF has received compensation after finding out that an IUD had been left inside her for almost 30 years...
A woman who had eight failed rounds of IVF has received compensation after finding out that an IUD had been left inside her for almost 30 years...
by Farah Alam
Cancer cells that undergo genome doubling affect how DNA is packaged, which may promote cancer development...
A new technique for selecting sperm during assisted reproduction appears to produce embryos of a desired sex with 80 percent accuracy...
The specific pathway that blood stem cells use to degrade proteins to keep themselves clean and healthy has been discovered, and that this process becomes disrupted with age...
by Emily Vine
Italy's government has ordered Milan's city council to stop registering same-sex couples as children's parents...
Personal experiences of undergoing semen analysis and the science behind male infertility are both discussed in this BBC Radio 4 Inside Health episode about sperm counts...
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LGBTQ+ parenthood through in vitro gametogenesis?
by Dr Marcin Śmietana
With the recent successful creation of an egg from a male mouse, Dr Marcin Smietana discusses how in vitro gametogenesis may have potential for LGBTQ+ parents in the future…
Navigating patient consent in an online world
by Dr Morven Dean
A recent study at a clinic in Dundee has shown that patient consent to provide unused embryos for training purposes has dropped since the introduction of online forms. Dr Morven Dean explores why this might be...
PET Podcast: Fertility-Friendly Workplaces? Attitudes to Assisted Conception and Employment
by Sarah Norcross
Bringing you PET events as a podcast. In the fifth episode of its podcast, PET looks at how employees and employers relate to each other if an employee needs assisted conception, with speakers Nickie Aiken MP, Dr Zeynep Gurtin, Anya Sizer, Becky Kearns and Natalie Sutherland...